Vagrant with Oracle VirtualBox.
The Virtualized: The free Nagios Core 3.5.1 runing in free CentOS 7.0. CentOS 7.0 as a Vagrant Oracle VirtualBox. The virtualized "GUEST" is the CentOS 7.0. The "HOST" for this is a CentOS 6.6 physical server. The Nagios Core is installed using the YUM packaged managed RPM. The YUM distribution RPM is used for better automation than the newer source installation avaiable as Nagios version 4.x. The Nagios version 4.x is a lighter CPU load than the version 3.5.1. We wanted distribution management and the similar locations as other distribution installed locations. "/etc/nagios/..." instead of "/usr/local/nagios/etc/...".
Docker on MAC OS X, using VirtualBox. Web Server Nginx running in the container.
AWS Visual Studio.
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